O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to
all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring them again with
penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the
unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and
the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
-- BCP, page 218
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22:22-30;
Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38
Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38
forty days of Lent are counted from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday,
exclusive of Sundays. This is why we have Sundays in Lent, as opposed
to, say, Sundays of Advent.
observe Lent as a Fast -- a time of "self-examination and repentance;
[...] prayer, fasting, and self-denial [...] and [...] reading and
meditating on God's Holy Word," as the liturgy of Ash Wednesday bids us
all (BCP, page 265).
Sundays, however, celebrate the Resurrection. Sundays are always feast
days, even if during Lent give up alleluias. Sundays are not part of
Lent. It is always Easter on Sunday because we enter into the sacred
space of remembering and proclaiming that "Christ has died. Christ is
risen. Christ will come again." (BCP, page 363)
You might have seen "Church Leaders Reflect on Lent as Spiritual Renewal," in last Saturday's Daily News- Record.
I thought the writer, Shelby Mertens, supplied a pretty good picture of
the meaning of Lent as understood in liturgical churches -- and not
because I'm quoted in it! (Ha-ha!)
Miguel Melendez, who serves at Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church,
said that, "Lent is about being holistic in life. Renewing your
spiritual life is really the biggest thing that's going on, and
spiritual life being communication or relationship with God."
is not a downer; it's an opportunity to revitalize our relationship
with God. That said, Lent does require intentionality and discipline.
Intentionality is about making the decision to de-clutter our hearts
from the sins that weigh us down by giving up the ways that are harmful
to ourselves and others and filling our hearts with the love and grace
of God.
is the habit-forming practice of repeatedly doing these things
throughout the Lenten season. That's the whole journey from
self-examination and repentance through prayer, fasting, and self-denial
to reading and meditating on the Bible. Lent requires rolling up our
sleeves and going to work.
first part of Lenten intentionality and discipline -- self-examination,
repentance, prayer, fasting, and self-denial -- is something that we
each make choices about in the privacy of our conversations with our
"Father who sees in secret," as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount
(Matthew 6: 1-6,16-18).
should also mention that I am available for private and confidential
conversation with anyone feels the need to review his or her choices.
The sacrament of Reconciliation of a Penitent (also known as
"Confession") is always available on request. And remember the Anglican
dictum about private confession: All may. None must. Some should. We
must each make our own choices.
second part -- reading and meditating on the Bible -- is something we
can do both privately and in community. I invite you to join the Tuesday evening group that will focus on the Bible this season.
Participants read the entire Gospel of Luke in small daily portions,
and then we share our learnings and questions on Tuesdays. We are
calling it "Luke for Lent." (Yes, I'm an incorrigible punster -- your
groans only encourage me!) The Rev. Dr. Donna Scott and I will co-lead
the conversations.
would love to have a very large group. We start this Tuesday, Feb. 27,
at 6:30 with a soup-supper. I hope many choose to come.
May God bless us all with a rich, life-giving Lent.
Under the Mercy,
Fr. Daniel+
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