God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people: Grant that
when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and
follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and
reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
-- BCP, page 225
Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23;
1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18
1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18
calls himself The Good Shepherd, in this week's Gospel. This title, if
you will, is claimed in the context of a conflict with the religious
authorities of his day, whom he bluntly calls hired hands -- earlier in
the passage, he calls them thieves and bandits..
back up a minute. One of my earliest book memories comes from an
illustrated children's Bible. It is a picture of a contented ewe lamb,
cute as a button, held in a sweet, all-encompassing embrace by a rather
Scandinavian-looking Jesus. A man and his pet, it would seem. It stayed
with me. As a young child, being cuddled like that was the warmest and
most wonderful of feelings, and I readily identified with the ewe lamb.
shepherds, in any age, would be unlikely to look at their animals as
pets, to be sure. Whether for their wool or their meat, sheep are a
highly valued commodity. At the same time, shepherds are fiercely
protective of their sheep because they are their livelihood. Against
predators of any kind, four-legged as well as two-legged, they stand
willing to do anything for the protection and well-being of their flock.
in a long line of prophetic tradition, calls out the religious leaders
of his day as shepherds who have deserted their duties. His critique is
that the people in their care were to them little more than sources of
power, prestige, and revenue. They cared more about protecting their
place under occupying Rome, preserving their position, and lining their
pockets with the business of the temple while promulgating a burdensome
piety they were themselves unwilling to maintain. Therefore, Jesus calls
them hired hands who flee in the face of trouble rather than protecting
the sheepfold, as proper shepherds would do.
would be tempting to turn Jesus into a belief system about who is in
and who is out of the sheepfold. But if we turn the things we believe
about Jesus into Shibboleths that determine belonging, we miss the point
of the parable of Jesus, The Good Shepherd. To Jesus, the sheep are
elevated from mere commodities to the proper position of beloved
creatures to whom he gives life, and for whom he desires and provides
abundant life.
Good Shepherd gives his life to empower the safety and wellbeing of the
sheep. Whether we are in his sheepfold is not determined by what we say
or believe about Jesus --important as that is. Rather the decisive
issue is how we relate to other sheep, both in and beyond Emmanuel. Do
we see people as commodities, as so much of the world does in our day?
Are we interested in people as ends in themselves or as means to our own
ends? Do we treat people as persons to be met, cherished, and loved or
as objects to be used and discarded when not useful?
are all part of God's sheepfold to the degree that we seek to love and
serve one another, nay, the entire creation and all its creatures, which
is indeed God's sheepfold. This is our motivation to invite other
people to come to Emmanuel. In a world bent on commoditizing human
beings, we want everyone to know that they are cherished and beloved,
that their very existence is a sign of God's delight in them.
Emmanuel, the lower-cap shepherds, under the Good Shepherd, are your
rector and vestry. We are committed and strive to do everything in our
power, by God's grace and with God's help, for your well-being.
All of us are here on God's green earth to help one another grow more and more into the likeness of Jesus.
are not the commodities of any institution or enterprise. You are not
objects to be used and disposed of; you are God's own beloved creation,
souls embodying God, holy sacraments of the living God.
Under the Mercy,
Fr. Daniel+
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