-- BCP, page 214
Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14;
Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12
Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12
year the Visitation of the Magi is on Saturday. On the next day,
January 7, the first Sunday after The Epiphany, we celebrate the Baptism
of Jesus.
The Feast of the Epiphany is central to the story of Jesus but it has become peripheral to most of us in our context today.
me take up that assertion in reverse order. The Epiphany -- the
Visitation of the Magi -- has become peripheral to very many because
January 6 does not fall on Sunday but every six years or so. I cannot
remember when most church people stopped attending non-Sunday services
other than Christmas Eve; this has been happening for quite some time.
be clear: I am not going on a rant here about church attendance. I am
only naming the reality that most Christians in our little part of the
world miss out on most Feasts and Fasts that fall outside of Sunday:
from The Epiphany to Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday and Good Friday to
Easter Eve and the Ascension. We are sorting through this cultural
shift in the United States.
Why not just add them to the Christmas story, like "The First Nowell" (Hymn 109) and so many carols do?
can admittedly debate the merits of conflating and combining the
stories from Luke and Matthew into one single narrative. My answer is
that we blunt the stories when we combine them. Luke has shepherds
coming to the newborn's manger while Matthew has wise men visiting the
infant in a house. Now you know why the magi no longer appear in the
Christmas Pageant. Our crèche at the back of the nave also shows the
Magi in transit on Christmas (though look for them to adore the Child
this Sunday before we take it down).
shepherds get directions from a choir of angels while the magi follow a
star. In Luke, the Archangel Gabriel appears to Mary in the midst of
her day while in Matthew an unnamed angel speaks to Joseph at night in a
dream. The stories are very different, with different chronologies. As
long as our calendar separates the shepherds from the Magi, we will tell
their stories at different times.
What makes the Visitation of the Magi a central story is that it proclaims the universality of Jesus.
child, born to two displaced parents who are striving to survive in a
conquered nation that is but a little corner of a vast empire, has come
to transform our world and indeed all creation. The heavens rejoice with
a new star. People from all over the earth seek to worship him. Herod
shakes in his throne and eventually unleashes all the violence he can
muster, to no avail. The sages who come from afar seeking "the king of
the Jews" delegitimize the self-importance of all earthly kingdoms and
their pretentions of ultimacy. Magi bearing regal gifts show us that God
and only God is worthy of our complete worship, allegiance, and
obedience. All other fealties are partial and relative.
Visitation of the Magi then shows us the universality of God's love.
God's tribe is much bigger than our limited experience and understanding
can imagine. Jesus is God-with-us, Emmanuel. But just who is this "Us"
that God is with? The coming of the wise men uncovers the truth that God
actually does love everybody, without exception. Nobody is left out of
God's embrace.
Feast of the Epiphany is therefore not only central to the story of
Jesus but to the human story itself because it expands our awareness
that, on earth, in this little corner of the cosmos, no one is Other --
we all belong together, to each other and to God.
Under the Mercy,
Fr. Daniel+
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